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Articles Written or Contributed to by Dr Courtney

Dr Courtney has conducted a significant amount of research and has presented and published papers widely both nationally and internationally within his specialty.  He performs over 100 Rhinoplasty procedures a year for both functional and cosmetic indications. Mark attends conferences and courses regularly to continue to improve skills and remain current with expertise. He has been an invited presenter at a number of medical meetings and conferences.  He has also taught and trained a number of doctors and ENT specialists facilitated by his appointments as a VMO at the Gold Coast University Hospital and as Senior lecturer with Griffith medical school - lecturing, examining and mentoring Griffith and Bond medical students.


Courtney Mark. Tonsillectomy Vs Tonsillotomy for sleep-disordered breathing in children. doctor Gold Coast. May/June 2017, pages 86-88.


Lucas Bailey, Jing Sun, Mark Courtney, Paul Murphy  Improving postoperative tonsillectomy pain management in children – A double blinded randomized control trial of a patient analgesia information sheet. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 79 (2015) 732-739


Louise van Camp BSpPath (Hons), Sandeep Bhuta MBBS, DMRD, DNB, FRANZCR,Colin Arnold MBBS, FRCPA and Mark Courtney
MBChB, FRACS Unusual nasopharyngeal mass in a young woman. ANZ Journal of Surgery Volume 82, Issue 10, pages 754–756,
October 2012 Article first published online: 2 OCT 2012


Green M, Gandhi M, Courtney M, Marlton P, Griffiths L  Relative abundance of full-length and truncated FOXP1 isoforms are 
associated with differential NFkB activity in Folliular Lymphoma.  Leuk. Res.33 (2009) 1699-1702.


MJ Courtney, M Mahadevan, A Miteff.  Management of paediatric retropharyngeal infections: Non-surgical versus surgical.  ANZ Journal of surgery. Volume 77 Issue 11 November 2007, Pages 985-987.


Mark J. Courtney, Alex Miteff and Murali Mahadevan  Management of pediatric lateral neck infections: does the adage "... never let the sun go down on un-drained pus" hold true?  International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology.  Volume 71, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 95-100.  


MJ Courtney, Y Rajapakse, G Duncan and G Morrissey. Nasal fracture manipulation: a comparative study of general and local anaesthesia techniques. Clin Otolaryngol. 2003 October: p 2-475


Mark J Courtney, Catherine B Koleda and Graham Titchener. Aural granuloma gravidarum. Otolaryngology  Head and Neck Surgery. 2003 July: p149-51


Yosanta Rajapakse, Mark Courtney, Adam Bialostocki, Gary Duncan and Graham Morrissey. Nasal fractures: a study comparing local and general anaesthesia techniques. Australian & New Zealand journal of Surgery. 2003 /June: p 96-99.


Mark J Courtney, Dilhan Cabraal. Tramadol vs Diclofenac for Posttonsillectomy Analgesia. Archives of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg. 2001 April p 85-8.


Courtney M, Stegehuis H, Dixon P. Carotid-oesophageal fistula treated with a vascular endoluminal graft: Case report. Australian Journal of Otolaryngoology. 2001 July: p124-26.


Courtney MJ. Informaton about surgery: what does the public want to know? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery. 2001 January: p 4-6.


Courtney M J, MacIndoe N L. Isolated Traumatic Avulsion of the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Tendon: a case report and review of this condition. Hand Surgery. 2000 May: p 1-4.


Courtney M J The effect of a preanaesthetic information booklet on patient understanding and satisfaction. New Zealand Medical Journal, 1997 June: p 212-14.

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