Dr Mark Courtney
Ear, Nose and Throat, Head and Neck Surgery
Paediatric and Adult
Suite 6A, Fred McKay House
John Flynn Hospital
42 Inland Drive
Tugun 4224
Phone 07 5630 2600 Fax 07 5601 0052

Articles Written or Contributed to by Dr Courtney
Dr Courtney has conducted a significant amount of research and has presented and published papers widely both nationally and internationally within his specialty. He performs over 100 Rhinoplasty procedures a year for both functional and cosmetic indications. Mark attends conferences and courses regularly to continue to improve skills and remain current with expertise. He has been an invited presenter at a number of medical meetings and conferences. He has also taught and trained a number of doctors and ENT specialists facilitated by his appointments as a VMO at the Gold Coast University Hospital and as Senior lecturer with Griffith medical school - lecturing, examining and mentoring Griffith and Bond medical students.
Louise van Camp BSpPath (Hons), Sandeep Bhuta MBBS, DMRD, DNB, FRANZCR,Colin Arnold MBBS, FRCPA and Mark Courtney
MBChB, FRACS Unusual nasopharyngeal mass in a young woman. ANZ Journal of Surgery Volume 82, Issue 10, pages 754–756,
October 2012 Article first published online: 2 OCT 2012
MJ Courtney, M Mahadevan, A Miteff. Management of paediatric retropharyngeal infections: Non-surgical versus surgical. ANZ Journal of surgery. Volume 77 Issue 11 November 2007, Pages 985-987.
Mark J. Courtney, Alex Miteff and Murali Mahadevan Management of pediatric lateral neck infections: does the adage "... never let the sun go down on un-drained pus" hold true? International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. Volume 71, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 95-100.
Mark J Courtney, Catherine B Koleda and Graham Titchener. Aural granuloma gravidarum. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. 2003 July: p149-51
Yosanta Rajapakse, Mark Courtney, Adam Bialostocki, Gary Duncan and Graham Morrissey. Nasal fractures: a study comparing local and general anaesthesia techniques. Australian & New Zealand journal of Surgery. 2003 /June: p 96-99.
Mark J Courtney, Dilhan Cabraal. Tramadol vs Diclofenac for Posttonsillectomy Analgesia. Archives of Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg. 2001 April p 85-8.
Courtney M, Stegehuis H, Dixon P. Carotid-oesophageal fistula treated with a vascular endoluminal graft: Case report. Australian Journal of Otolaryngoology. 2001 July: p124-26.
Courtney MJ. Informaton about surgery: what does the public want to know? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery. 2001 January: p 4-6.
Courtney M J, MacIndoe N L. Isolated Traumatic Avulsion of the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Tendon: a case report and review of this condition. Hand Surgery. 2000 May: p 1-4.
Courtney M J The effect of a preanaesthetic information booklet on patient understanding and satisfaction. New Zealand Medical Journal, 1997 June: p 212-14.